The Little Lions Learning Lab is an early learning and care program operated by the Louisa County Public Schools Career and Technical Education office. It’s curriculum, environment, and organization are based on professional standards and research related to learning and development of young children. The program operates Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 5:00pm on days that teachers are contracted to report. The Lab is overseen by a VDOE licensed instructor who specializes in early childhood education. In addition, there will be one or more teacher assistants based on enrollment needs.
The 4L program has been designed to serve as both a childcare and early education facility for our staff as well as a learning lab space for our CTE students to gain practical experience in the areas of child development and supervision. In conjunction with both our Early Childhood Education and the Teachers for Tomorrow pathways at Louisa County High School, students will be an integral part of day to day operations.
The 4L program has identified four main program goals:
Retain and attract high quality teachers division wide
Provide support to families through onsite childcare
Inspire LCHS students to become future educators
Provide high quality care and developmentally appropriate education for children enrolled in the 4L program
If you have questions about the 4L program please reach out to Kenneth Bouwens, Director of CTE/STEAM and Innovation. You can email or call ext 7030. If you would like to add your child to teh 4L waiting list please start by reviewing the Family Handbook and then fill out the form bellow.